The Small Games of Chance reporting requirement for clubs with proceeds of $20,000 or more that was previously set for February 1 has been extended to July 1, according to Senator Elder Vogel.
The Department of Revenue posted the following information about the delay on its website:
“Access to the Small Games of Chance Club Licensee Annual Reporting System has been suspended until technical issues can be resolved. The Feb. 1, 2015 filing deadline for club licensees with proceeds of $20,000 or more in 2014 is being extended to July 1, 2015.
“The electronic reporting system will be unavailable until technical issues are corrected. The department anticipates the system will be available again by June 1, 2015, at which time clubs will be encouraged to review a publicly available database of completed reports to determine if their reports were successfully received.
“Clubs that do not have a completed report on file at that time will be required to complete a report by July 1, 2015.
“The department is notifying County Treasurers and the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement of the filing deadline extension so that clubs are not penalized for not having filed reports between now and July 1.
“The enhanced save functionality and further improvements are being pursued in response to requests from clubs for a reporting system that can be accessed periodically throughout a year to reduce the burden of annual reporting. Additional detail will be provided when access to the system is restored by June 1.
“The department apologizes for the inconvenience caused by these system complications and thanks club licensees for their patience and cooperation as the issues are resolved.”
More information about the Small Games of Chance reporting require is available at:
Joe Weidner
(724) 774-0444