HARRISBURG – Sen. Elder Vogel, Jr. (R-47) provided the following statement regarding Senate passage of critical budget implementation bills (Senate Bill 757 and House Bill 1300):
“These key pieces of legislation contain the necessary implementation language which allows Pennsylvania to delegate the remaining budgetary funds for many key priorities including a two-year tuition freeze for PASSHE schools, reauthorizing assessments and payments for hospitals and increases to EMS reimbursement rates. We have worked tirelessly over the last several weeks to negotiate and craft these bills to ensure it is beneficial to all Pennsylvanians.
“Throughout the entirety of this year’s budget process, my colleagues and I have stood firm and remained committed to keeping our government functioning and making sure we had a funding package that will better assist our schools, state entities, and critical services and programs.
“Now that our Chamber has taken the initiative to vote on and pass these bills, it is currently in the hands of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and their responsibility and duty to get them to the finish line and conclude this long budget process.”
CONTACT: Abby Chiumento, 717-787-3076