Senator Elder Vogel Jr. was recently appointed by President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati to be a new member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Committee considers legislation regarding the funding of state government and holds hearings each year pertaining to the state budget and other funding issues. As a new member of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Vogel is committed to the wise stewardship of taxpayer dollars.
“It is an honor to be appointed to the Appropriations Committee by Senator Scarnati,” Vogel said. “Pennsylvania taxpayers expect state government to live within its means, address fiscal issues in a common sense way, and find bipartisan solutions when it comes to state spending. Many fiscal challenges lay ahead, and I look forward to working with Appropriations Chairman Jake Corman and other members of the Committee.”
“When people mention Elder’s name, the first thing that comes to mind is common sense. As a citizen-legislator and fourth-generation dairy farmer, Elder knows the value of the hard-earned dollar,” Senator Scarnati said. “As we make decisions regarding the budget and state spending in Pennsylvania, Elder’s taxpayer-minded approach will provide value to his constituents and help create an environment where job growth can thrive and prosper.”
“No one works harder than Elder when it comes to protecting taxpayers and working to ensure that our fiscal priorities match the fiscal realities of Pennsylvania families,” said Senate Appropriations Chairman Jake Corman. “Elder’s firm commitment to implementing common sense policies in state government is held in high regard, and I look forward to working with him as a new member of the Committee.”
CONTACT: Owen Thomas
(717) 787-3076