January 20, 2016

Committee Approves Vogel Bill Reducing General Assembly Size

The Senate State Government Committee today (January 20) approved legislation introduced by Senator Elder Vogel that would reduce the size of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Listen     [Read More]

Senator Vogel Comments on Governor’s Line-Item Veto of Budget
December 29, 2015

Senator Vogel Comments on Governor’s Line-Item Veto of Budget

Senator Elder Vogel issued the following statement after Governor Wolf line-item vetoed, then signed, House Bill 1460, which currently represents a $23.4 billion state budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16, including six months of funding for schools and funding at Fiscal Year 2014-15 levels for many other programs and services.   [Read More]

December 23, 2015

Senator Vogel Supports State Budget Sent to Governor

Earlier today, the Senate approved House Bill 1460, a $30.2 billion, fiscally-responsible spending plan that now awaits Governor Wolf’s signature into law, according to Senator Elder Vogel Jr.   [Read More]

Senate Approves Horse Racing Industry Measure
December 10, 2015

Senate Approves Horse Racing Industry Measure

The Senate today (December 10) approved an amended bill that makes substantial regulatory changes necessary to protect and bolster Pennsylvania’s horse racing industry, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Panel Approves Regulation Ending “Summer” Gasoline Mandate
December 10, 2015

Panel Approves Regulation Ending “Summer” Gasoline Mandate

Following up on a process started with the enactment last year of a law introduced by Senator Elder Vogel, a state panel approved regulations Thursday aimed at eliminating the “summer gas” requirement for western Pennsylvania.  [Read More]

Three Local Child Abuse Victim Support Programs Receive Grants
December 9, 2015

Three Local Child Abuse Victim Support Programs Receive Grants

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) today awarded grants to three local agencies to support their efforts to assist victims of child sexual abuse, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
November 24, 2015

Harrisburg Happenings

Two bills that will allow out-of-state visiting athletic team physicians to treat athletes during athletic events without the need for a Pennsylvania medical license received final legislative approval this week and were sent to the Governor for his signature and enactment into law.  [Read More]

Join Senator Vogel for Holiday Open House
November 24, 2015

Join Senator Vogel for Holiday Open House

State Senator Elder Vogel, Jr. is inviting area residents to kick-off the Christmas season with a holiday open house at his Rochester District Office located at 488 Adams Street on Friday December 4 from 11am until 2pm.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
November 18, 2015

Harrisburg Happenings

The Senate approved legislation this week that will give Pennsylvania voters the ultimate decision on whether the mandatory retirement age of judges should be increased.  [Read More]

“Toys for Tots” Collection Spot at Senator Vogel’s Office – Gifts to be donated to area children
November 17, 2015

“Toys for Tots” Collection Spot at Senator Vogel’s Office – Gifts to be donated to area children

State Senator Elder Vogel, Jr.'s office will be collecting toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve “Toys for Tots" program starting today and continuing through December 4th.  [Read More]

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