Governor Corbett Announces Grants to Support Community Improvements and Assist Low-Income Residents in Lawrence County
September 24, 2014

Governor Corbett Announces Grants to Support Community Improvements and Assist Low-Income Residents in Lawrence County

Governor Tom Corbett today announced that the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) recently awarded $414,000 in Keystone Communities grants to two entities in Lawrence County to create a strategic plan to redevelop underutilized properties and to assist low-income residents seeking mechanical certifications and experience.   [Read More]

$2.19 million in state rail freight grants awarded locally
August 15, 2014

$2.19 million in state rail freight grants awarded locally

A total of nearly $2.19 million in recently awarded state grants will promote two local rail-freight improvement projects, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Franklin Center of Beaver County receives $263,147 state grant
July 31, 2014

Franklin Center of Beaver County receives $263,147 state grant

The Department of Community and Economic Development today (July 31) announced the award of a $263,147 Discovered in PA – Developed in PA grant to the Franklin Center for Beaver County (FCBC) for the Beaver County Youth Entrepreneurship program, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

July 16, 2014


Four local airports will receive more than $2.4 million in grants for capital improvement projects, according to state Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

An Update on the Meals On Wheels Pet Food Drive
July 9, 2014

An Update on the Meals On Wheels Pet Food Drive

My Rochester District Office is still collecting pet food for the non-profit organization, Meals on Wheels as part of their program that provides free dog and cat food to their pet-owning clients.  [Read More]

Mobile Veterans’ Outreach Van available Thursday and Friday, July 10, 11th
July 7, 2014

Mobile Veterans’ Outreach Van available Thursday and Friday, July 10, 11th

I will be teaming up with the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to host their Mobile Veterans’ Outreach Van to veterans and their families.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
July 2, 2014

Harrisburg Happenings

I am pleased to report that Governor Corbett signed Senate Bill 1312, a bill I introduced to give school districts and school bus contractors the option to choose the most appropriate school buses based on their needs, into law as Act 85 of 2014 on June 30.   [Read More]

Vogel’s school bus length legislation headed to Governor
June 30, 2014

Vogel’s school bus length legislation headed to Governor

Senate Bill 1312, legislation introduced by Senator Elder Vogel to give school districts and school bus contractors the option to choose the most appropriate school buses based on their needs, received final legislative approval Monday (June 30) and is headed to the Governor for his signature and enactment into law.  [Read More]

June 23, 2014


A recent deadline extension gives eligible local residents until the end of the year to file for up to $975 from the state’s Property Tax and Rent Rebate program, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
June 20, 2014

Harrisburg Happenings

The Senate Housing and Urban Affairs Committee approved legislation I introduced that would increase state support for a program that promotes housing affordability and rehabilitation in communities across the Commonwealth.  [Read More]

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