Senate approves bill targeting human trafficking
December 10, 2013

Senate approves bill targeting human trafficking

The Senate today approved Senate Bill 75, legislation that aims to help law enforcement arrest and prosecute human traffickers, according to Senator Elder Vogel, a co-sponsor of the measure.  [Read More]

Historic Preservation and Construction Grant applications now accepted
December 6, 2013

Historic Preservation and Construction Grant applications now accepted

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) is now accepting applications for Keystone Historic Preservation Project and Construction Grants, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
December 4, 2013

Harrisburg Happenings

In April the Senate passed legislation I introduced that would provide a tax break for Pennsylvania farmers. Senate Bill 638 would ensure that high tunnel greenhouses are not considered permanent structures and categorized as real estate for tax purposes.  [Read More]

Local recreation projects receive $166,200 in state grants
December 4, 2013

Local recreation projects receive $166,200 in state grants

Two Beaver County municipalities were selected to receive Community Conservation Partnerships Program (CCPP) Key 93 grants totaling $166,200 for recreation projects, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Students, farms sought for dairy internship program
November 25, 2013

Students, farms sought for dairy internship program

Applications from dairy farms and students interested in dairy farming as a career are now being accepted for the On-Farm Internship Program offered by the Center for Dairy Excellence, Professional Dairy Managers of Pennsylvania (PDMP) and Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association (PDA), according to Senator Elder Vogel, a dairy farmer and Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.  [Read More]

Wampum Borough receives $506,651 state grant
November 25, 2013

Wampum Borough receives $506,651 state grant

Wampum Borough will receive a $506,651 PennWorks grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
November 20, 2013

Harrisburg Happenings

The Senate approved legislation I introduced creating the Pennsylvania Livery Providers Fair Lien Act as a way to ensure stable owners are properly compensated for the costs of caring for horses placed in their care on Monday.  [Read More]

November 19, 2013


The Environmental Resources and Energy Committee today (November 19) unanimously approved legislation designed to end a “hidden” tax that drives up the costs of gasoline for western Pennsylvanians.  [Read More]

Senate approves Senator Vogel’s Livery Providers Fair Lien Act
November 18, 2013

Senate approves Senator Vogel’s Livery Providers Fair Lien Act

The Senate today (November 18) approved legislation introduced by Senator Elder Vogel creating the Pennsylvania Livery Providers Fair Lien Act as a way to ensure stable owners are properly compensated for the costs of caring for horses placed in their care.  [Read More]

DEP accepting applications for Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards
November 18, 2013

DEP accepting applications for Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for the 2014 Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards, according to Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

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