Legislators Fight to Save the New Castle Youth Development Center
January 15, 2013

Legislators Fight to Save the New Castle Youth Development Center

Today Senators Elder Vogel (R-47) and Bob Robbins (R-50) and Representatives Jaret Gibbons (D-10) and Chris Sainato (D-9) called on Department of Public Welfare (DPW) Secretary Gary Alexander and Governor Tom Corbett to stop the planned closure of the New Castle Youth Development Center (NCYDC) on February 15th of this year.  [Read More]

PA American Water Announces Environmental Grants and Launches Stream of Learning Scholarship
January 15, 2013

PA American Water Announces Environmental Grants and Launches Stream of Learning Scholarship

Click here to view the Scholarship Application and Brochure.  [Read More]

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. announces his offices will serve as a Yellow Ribbon Girls collection site for troop donations
January 14, 2013

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. announces his offices will serve as a Yellow Ribbon Girls collection site for troop donations

State Senator Elder Vogel, Jr. is announcing that his offices in Rochester and New Castle will now serve as a collection site for our troops currently deployed overseas.  [Read More]

Heating Assistance Program Now Open
November 2, 2012

Heating Assistance Program Now Open

Pennsylvania's Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) grant program is now open for the 2012-13 heating season, according to Senator Elder Vogel. Grants are based on income, family size, type of heating fuel and region.  [Read More]

Statement by Senator Elder Vogel On Winning Harness Racing Commission Conditional Approval for Harness Racing Facility in Lawrence County
October 25, 2012

Statement by Senator Elder Vogel On Winning Harness Racing Commission Conditional Approval for Harness Racing Facility in Lawrence County

State Senator Elder Vogel released the following statement today regarding the conditional approval by the Pennsylvania Harness Racing Commission for the Lawrence County Harness Racing Track Project to move forward under new management:  [Read More]

Senator Vogel’s Vehicle Emissions Bill Passes Senate
October 15, 2012

Senator Vogel’s Vehicle Emissions Bill Passes Senate

State Senator Elder Vogel announced today that his bill exempting light passenger vehicles ten years old or newer and alternative fuel vehicles from vehicle emissions inspections has passed the Senate. Known as SB 1532, the bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.  [Read More]

Groups Encouraged to Apply for Environmental Grants
October 12, 2012

Groups Encouraged to Apply for Environmental Grants

The state Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications through October 26 for four different watershed protection and restoration grant programs under Growing Greener Plus, according to Senator Elder Vogel.   [Read More]

Senator Vogel Appointed to Appropriations Committee
September 4, 2012

Senator Vogel Appointed to Appropriations Committee

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. was recently appointed by President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati to be a new member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Committee considers legislation regarding the funding of state government and holds hearings each year pertaining to the state budget and other funding issues.   [Read More]

Local regional airports receive state grants
August 22, 2012

Local regional airports receive state grants

Two local regional airports will receive grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, according to State Senator Elder Vogel.   [Read More]

Beaver County Farmer’s Market 30th Year Celebration
August 8, 2012

Beaver County Farmer’s Market 30th Year Celebration

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. will present the Beaver County Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association with a certificate commemorating thirty years of operation on Saturday, August 18th. Joining him will be Secretary of Agriculture George Greig.   [Read More]

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