Senator Vogel to Host Small Business Seminar in New Castle
March 29, 2011

Senator Vogel to Host Small Business Seminar in New Castle

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. will hold a business seminar with representatives from the Northwest Commission on April 7th from 6pm-8pm at the Albert Gettings Annex, 430 Court Street, New Castle.   [Read More]

Senator Vogel Requests Governor Corbett’s Assistance to Keep Horsehead Corp. in Beaver County
March 9, 2011

Senator Vogel Requests Governor Corbett’s Assistance to Keep Horsehead Corp. in Beaver County

Senator Vogel today sent a letter to Governor Corbett requesting assistance with Horsehead Corporation's request for upgrade assistance to their zinc recycling facility.   [Read More]

Senate Adopts Vogel’s Farm Bureau Day and Teach Ag Day Resolutions
March 2, 2011

Senate Adopts Vogel’s Farm Bureau Day and Teach Ag Day Resolutions

Today, the Senate unanimously approved two resolutions sponsored by State Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).   [Read More]

Senate Adopts Vogel’s Resolution Designating  FFA Week in Pennsylvania
February 14, 2011

Senate Adopts Vogel’s Resolution Designating FFA Week in Pennsylvania

Today, the Senate unanimously approved a resolution sponsored by State Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) declaring the week of February 19 through 26, 2011 as FFA week in Pennsylvania.   [Read More]

February 7, 2011

Senator Vogel Reintroduces Legislation to Reduce the Size of the Legislature

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) announced today he has reintroduced legislation aimed at reducing the size of the Pennsylvania legislature.  [Read More]

Senator Vogel to Introduce Legislation Abolishing the Office of The Lieutenant Governor
January 26, 2011

Senator Vogel to Introduce Legislation Abolishing the Office of The Lieutenant Governor

Today, Senator Vogel announced that he will be introducing legislation that will abolish the office of the Lieutenant Governor.  [Read More]

Applications Now Accepted for Park/Recreational Grants
January 20, 2011

Applications Now Accepted for Park/Recreational Grants

Applications are now being accepted for a state grant program that promotes the rehabilitation and new development of parks and recreation facilities, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Senator Vogel Appointed Agriculture Committee Chair
January 4, 2011

Senator Vogel Appointed Agriculture Committee Chair

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. was appointed today by President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati to be the new Chairman of the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.  [Read More]

Senator Vogel to Present Grant for Old Economy Village
December 8, 2010

Senator Vogel to Present Grant for Old Economy Village

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. will present The Friends of Old Economy Village with a grant for $241,000 at a ceremony during the Christmas at the Village celebration on Saturday, December 11th, at 2:00 p.m.   [Read More]

2009 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Deadline Approaching
December 2, 2010

2009 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Deadline Approaching

Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) announced today that the deadline for applications for the state's Property Tax/Rent Rebate program is December 31, 2010.   [Read More]

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