Ellwood City Receives $113,174 State Grant
March 25, 2010

Ellwood City Receives $113,174 State Grant

Ellwood City Borough will receive a $113, 174 Growing Greener grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Senator Vogel Announces Grant to Ellwood City Revitalization
March 3, 2010

Senator Vogel Announces Grant to Ellwood City Revitalization

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. announced today that The Ellwood City Revitalization Project (ECR) will receive a $250,000 state grant to be used towards engineering and construction redevelopment efforts along Lawrence Avenue in Ellwood City.  [Read More]

2009 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Applications Now Available
February 12, 2010

2009 Property Tax/Rent Rebate Applications Now Available

Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) announced today that applications for the state’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate program are available at his district offices.  [Read More]

Senate Approves Vogel Bill on Community Fundraisers
February 1, 2010

Senate Approves Vogel Bill on Community Fundraisers

The Senate today (February 1) unanimously approved legislation introduced by Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) barring the state from citing groups that sell commonly prepared baked goods.  [Read More]

Beaver County Municipalities Receive $231,000 in Grants
January 19, 2010

Beaver County Municipalities Receive $231,000 in Grants

Two Beaver County municipalities will receive state grants to improve recreational facilities, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Lawrence County Receives $40,000 Grant
January 19, 2010

Lawrence County Receives $40,000 Grant

A $40,000 state grant will be invested to beautify vacant lots throughout New Castle, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Applications Now Accepted for Park/Recreational Grants
January 15, 2010

Applications Now Accepted for Park/Recreational Grants

Applications are now being accepted for a state grant program that promotes the rehabilitation and new development of parks and recreation facilities, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).  [Read More]

Heating Assistance Cash Grant Program Now Open
January 5, 2010

Heating Assistance Cash Grant Program Now Open

Pennsylvania's Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) cash grant and crisis grant programs are now open, according to Senator Elder Vogel (R-47).   [Read More]

Committee Backs Vogel Bill on Community Fundraisers
January 2, 2010

Committee Backs Vogel Bill on Community Fundraisers

The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee today (January 26) unanimously approved legislation introduced by Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) that will bar the state from citing groups that sell commonly prepared baked goods.   [Read More]

“Toys for Tots” Collection Spot at Senator Vogel’s Office
November 24, 2009

“Toys for Tots” Collection Spot at Senator Vogel’s Office

State Senator Elder Vogel, Jr.'s office will be collecting toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program starting November 24th and continuing through December 9th.   [Read More]

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