March 31, 2009

Senator Vogel Announces Legislation to Reduce the Size of the Legislature

Fulfilling a campaign pledge, Senator Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) announced today he has introduced legislation aimed at reducing the size of the Pennsylvania legislature.  [Read More]

Senators Pileggi, Vogel to Introduce Senate Rule Addressing Potential Abuse of Non-Profits
March 25, 2009

Senators Pileggi, Vogel to Introduce Senate Rule Addressing Potential Abuse of Non-Profits

Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-9) and Senator Elder Vogel (R-47) today announced their intention to introduce a new Senate rule designed to address the potential abuse of non-profit organizations highlighted in this week’s grand jury presentment.  [Read More]

Senator Vogel Announces Legislation Preventing Department of Agriculture from Citing Churches and Community Groups
March 23, 2009

Senator Vogel Announces Legislation Preventing Department of Agriculture from Citing Churches and Community Groups

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) announced today he plans to introduce legislation which will prevent the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture from citing churches and other community booster groups for serving food that was prepared at home.  [Read More]

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. Delivers Annual Lincoln Day Address on Floor of Senate
February 10, 2009

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. Delivers Annual Lincoln Day Address on Floor of Senate

Senator Elder Vogel Jr. delivered the annual Lincoln Day Address on the floor of the Senate today. A Senate tradition, the speech is given by a newly-elected freshman member who is appointed by the President Pro Tempore to honor President Abraham Lincoln.  [Read More]

Freedom Borough Receives $980,000 in State Funding
January 26, 2009

Freedom Borough Receives $980,000 in State Funding

The Freedom Borough Conveyance Collection Authority (FBCCA) will receive $980,000.00 in state funding to upgrade its sewer system, according to Senator Elder Vogel Jr., (R-47).  [Read More]

Energy Efficiency Grants for Small Business Available
January 21, 2009

Energy Efficiency Grants for Small Business Available

Small businesses looking for help in implementing projects to trim energy costs and reduce pollution can now apply for state grants of up to $25,000, according to Senator Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47).   [Read More]

Firefighters/EMS Can File for $100 Income Tax Credit
January 20, 2009

Firefighters/EMS Can File for $100 Income Tax Credit

Volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel can now apply for a new state income tax credit of up to $100, according to Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47).   [Read More]

Senator Vogel Supports State Government Reforms
January 20, 2009

Senator Vogel Supports State Government Reforms

State Senator Elder Vogel Jr., (R-47) announced today he is supporting a package of 10 bills introduced by Senate Republicans aimed at increasing accountability and transparency in state government.   [Read More]

Senator Vogel takes over 47th District Senate Seat
January 7, 2009

Senator Vogel takes over 47th District Senate Seat

At noon yesterday, Elder Vogel Jr. was sworn in as the newly elected State Senator of the 47th Senatorial District. The 47th District covers nearly 240,000 residents in Beaver, Lawrence and Allegheny Counties.  [Read More]

Senator Vogel Takes Oath of Office on Tuesday
January 6, 2009

Senator Vogel Takes Oath of Office on Tuesday

State Senator-elect Elder Vogel Jr. (R-47) will formally be sworn into office during a ceremony set for noon, Tuesday, January 6, in the Senate Chamber of the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg.  [Read More]

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