In the News

Senator Vogel Seeking Local Photos for District Calendar
May 11, 2015

Senator Vogel Seeking Local Photos for District Calendar

While admitting that he’s definitely biased on the issue, Senator Elder Vogel believes his 47th Senatorial District is one of the most scenic and picturesque areas of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and he’s looking for photos that capture the area’s spirit and beauty.  [Read More]

May 11, 2015


The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee will consider the nomination of Russell Redding as Secretary of Agriculture at its meeting set for noon, Tuesday, May 12, in Room 8E-A of the East Wing of the state Capitol Complex in Harrisburg, according to Committee Chairman Senator Elder Vogel.  [Read More]

Industrial Hemp (SB 50 and HB 967)
May 7, 2015

Industrial Hemp (SB 50 and HB 967)

JOINT HEARING – Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee AND House Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee – May 13, 2015   [Read More]

To consider the nomination of Russell Redding as Secretary of Agriculture
May 7, 2015

To consider the nomination of Russell Redding as Secretary of Agriculture

Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee – May 12, 2015   [Read More]

Harrisburg Happenings
May 7, 2015

Harrisburg Happenings

The Senate Majority Policy Committee held a public hearing on Wednesday to hear testimony on Senate Bill 724, my legislation that would help the state comply with federal nutrient management requirements without the need for expensive stormwater and wastewater upgrades.  [Read More]

PA Housing Alliance to observe “Home Matters Day”
May 6, 2015

PA Housing Alliance to observe “Home Matters Day”

Senator Vogel participates in a news conference and rally with the PA Housing Alliance to observe “Home Matters Day”.   [Read More]

Jefferson Awards: Girl spreads important message about arthritis (Post-Gazette)
April 28, 2015

Jefferson Awards: Girl spreads important message about arthritis (Post-Gazette)

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Harrisburg Happenings
April 23, 2015

Harrisburg Happenings

Consumers would be protected against paying multiple copayments for physical therapy, chiropractic and occupational therapy services under a bill unanimously approved by the Senate on Tuesday.  [Read More]

Bipartisan Push for Housing Funding (Times-Tribune)
April 20, 2015

Bipartisan Push for Housing Funding (Times-Tribune)

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PA Auditor General Report Urges New Efforts for Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reduction (
April 17, 2015

PA Auditor General Report Urges New Efforts for Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reduction (

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Harrisburg Happenings
April 16, 2015

Harrisburg Happenings

A report on the Legislative Session Week of April 13, 2015  [Read More]

Legislators seek investigation into Penn National’s withdrawal (New Castle News)
April 15, 2015

Legislators seek investigation into Penn National’s withdrawal (New Castle News)

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